Here are the kits for that I put together for the 7 year old and 9 year old for the 2011 Washington D.C. trip. They are very simple and basic, but I wanted something that they could really make their own.
First, I bought some basic, but colorful, composition books at Target.
Then, I taped in some 5 x 7 shipping envelopes every 5 to 10 pages. I am hoping that the kids write a little about their experiences and then store all their postcards, pictures and other treasures in the envelopes.
Close to the end of the book, I glued some lyrics to popular camp/travel songs.
On the very last page I taped another envelope to store some games and activities.
Finally, I went on line and found printables that are related to travel. I printed them out at a slightly smaller size so that they would fit in the last envelope.
Here are some of the links I used for the activities: